7 Top Qualities to Look for in a Jet Charter Company

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Your time is a high commodity. You haven’t time to spend waiting around in large commercial air terminals. Chartering in a private jet is among the most secure and luxurious approaches to travel. But not all jet charter companies are created equal. Here are seven areas where you should expect excellence in the chartered jet agency of your choice.


With so many aircraft on the skyways, and additional modern security concerns- a team with decades of combined experience in all aspects of chartered private air travel is a minimum standard. The people behind Macair have decades upon decades of expertise and experience in each of their various areas of specialization, from handling aircraft to business management, to customer service.

Fleet Size & Variety

In all modes of travel, flux and variation of needs, destinations, and routes is a constant factor. When you choose a private jet charter, you want to go with an agency that has access to a variety of aircraft and the broadest access to destinations. Macair maintains a full range of private jets of every size.

Robust Facilities

Superior in-house resources for repair and replenishment could easily go on the top of the list. When you choose a jet charter, you want to know that not only does their repair team have sufficient facilities and equipment to repair and replenish their aircraft on site, and the knowledge and expertise to oversee correct maintenance when away. Macair’s maintenance team and facilities are held to the highest standards of training and skill.


When you board a chartered jet, you want to place your trust in an administration and staff of professionals who are not only masters of their craft, but contributors to the state of the industry. You want to fly with a team that strives for excellence in every aspect of chartered air travel, from the board room to the pilot’s cabin.

Number of Available Destinations

It stands to reason that the more destination air strips your jet charter has access to- the more freedom & flexibility you have. Macair is a leader in this aspect of air travel networking.


Every time you board an aircraft, you should rest assured that it is diligently maintained, completely safe and secure, and operated by crew members that have received extensive training. It’s also important to ask about the charter company’s ARG/US Certification. Platinum Rating is the highest level of ARG/US safety rating, which is awarded to operators who successfully pass either an ARG/US on-site safety audit, or a recent Department of Defense (DoD) Air Carrier Quality and Safety inspection. The ARG/US audit is conducted identically to a Department of Defense audit by former DoD inspectors. Since August 2005, ARG/US International has consecutively awarded Macair their highest rating – the Platinum rating – for its focus on providing flights of the highest quality and emphasis on the most stringent safety standards.


Our experienced pilots receive professional training twice a year from the best flight simulator and other computer generated training facilities in the industry. Our friendly, service-oriented pilots and cabin attendants are eager to provide on-time, safe, reliable, and luxurious air transportation to you, our valuable customers.


The quality of customer service makes up the core of any customer service experience, no matter what sort of business is at issue. That’s why, at Macair, everything we do is about taking care of our clients. That means we get you to your destination quickly, efficiently, and with style.

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